Dans sa première édition de son livre référence La destruction des Juifs d'Europe, l'historien numéro un de la shoah, Raul Hilberg affirmait l'existence de deux ordre d'Hitler pour déclencher le génocide des Juifs :
« How was the killing phase brought about? Basically, we are dealing with two of Hitlers decisions. One order was given in the spring of 1941, during the planning of the invasion of the USSR; it provided that small units, of the SS and Police be dispatched to Soviet territory, where they were to move from town to town to kill all Jewish inhabitants on the spot. This method may be called the mobile killing operations. Shortly after the mobile operations had begun in the occupied Soviet territories, Hitler handed down his second order. That decision doomed the rest of European Jewry. Unlike the Russian Jews, who were overtaken by mobile uni
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07 Jan 2014
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